Friday, March 19, 2010

Baking Class @ Xplorerkids 19 Mar 10

星期五上午, 尝试联络主办单位, 让小公主临时加入这活动, 还好主持人允许, 就赶紧出发到Downtown East.
这就是她们的 Kids Baking Class, 做的是brownie.

End Product...
活动过后, 我们去 Tampines Ikea. 在等巴士...
Concentrating reading newspaper...
Every time when we dine at Tampines Ikea, we will sure to take 1 slice of this cake as dessert, now I can buy it at the supermart area for $10.80 per box. Yummy....

1 comment:

  1. I agree this cake is good.... with Daim chocolate...hmmmm...
