Sunday, August 2, 2009

Steam Pork & Salted Egg

每逢周末, 我都会在家弄午餐. 每次做出的菜式, 来来去去就是那几样, 没新意. 小的不会选择, 只怕大伯公吃到反胃.
今天就尝试做了个咸蛋蒸肉, 食谱取自 <<小米桶专栏>>. 当然, 卖相是不能与专家相比. 碰巧, 柠檬叔叔来我家让大伯公装置脚车零件, 有幸(或是不幸)尝到我第一次烹调的咸蛋蒸肉.

这也让我见识了原来生咸蛋蛋黄是硬的, 我真是孤陋寡闻!!!

1 comment:

  1. 1st look at the pic tot was "western carrot cake with icing topping".... kekeke.. then look at the title. doesn't match lei " steam pork with salted egg"..
