Sunday, June 20, 2010

Special Gift from 远方的朋友

这天, 邮箱里出现一个包裹, 是一名住在好远好远的朋友寄来的.
打开来看里头的东西, 好可爱喔~~~
多谢了!!! 您也在那边加油喔!
手工技巧也越来越进步了, 好厉害.

Seng Kang Swimming Pool 18 Jun 10

趁着学校假期, 带小公主到盛港的公共游泳池玩水. 我也有玩那些slide, 好好玩. 是比不上Wild Wild Wet之类的主题公园, 但有一个这样的设施在组屋区是很不错的.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Kranji Turf Club 17 Jun 10

一年一度Kranji跑马场open house. 带了小公主来参观.

5时, 门口.

Watching Carebear cartoon on screen, wonder where's the bear now...

Wonder why kids like to play this so much...

嗯, 就是这样子.

Betting counters...

A sweet stall selling Japanese titbits. I bought some.

Some old horses, 2, for touching and photo taking.
The aircon betting and viewing area at 2nd level.

Happened to see filming of "Amazing Race" but not sure what kind of race is that, or which version.

The highlight of the event is Carebear but I was quite disappointed that the timing of the 2 bears appearance were very very short.
This was caught while the bears are on their way to the center stage. It was about 6pm.

The escaping bear after the short stage performance. So chaotic.

At 7.05pm, there was a photo taking session for public but the number of people allowed were about 80. Me and girl went to queue but were rejected.

Most important, do not gamble.
回家前, 在出入口处, 拍照留念.

This was last year games, 也有木偶马可骑. This year there is only a mini viking machine, not so interesting in terms of games.
Also, horse strolling around the small riding ring last year but this year there isn't.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Pictures 9

那天弄些cookies, 有段时间我不在岗位, 一回来, 盘子就多出了这些...

忘了是哪个星期天傍晚, 天正下着雨, 因没带伞, 不能过去对面的义安城. 在等的当儿, 有人就当街表演一段yo-yo杂技, 是有难度的动作喔.

同事手功缝的被子, patch work. 高难度!

6月7日上午7时, 暴风雨来临前.
是, 是, 我正好要亮出洗好的衣服...

又买了一个磅, 是用来秤脚车重量的, 你以为干嘛来的.


我的也不赖, 不输给同事KK吧!

Disney Promotion

在Parkway Parade, 有个promotion. 凡购买$80迪士尼的产品, 可免费穿迪士尼人物的礼服拍照留念. 可惜我不打算加入, 只有与小公主看的份.
