Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Twin Birth - 满月了

宝宝满月了. 今天早上帮宝宝剪一小撮头发, 再用番石榴与柚子叶水冲凉, 又帮她们绑上了五色绳. 就这样.

I need 2 sets of these.

Their favourite sleeping position. And they are closer to my confinement lady at this moment. Experience counts.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Twin Birth - 4th Week

人家做月不怕热, 此热是指身体的热, 我象是越补越发热, 虚不胜补!!!
进入产后第4周, 每天都有固定的程序, 如几点起床, 梳洗, 吃饭, 冲凉, 等等, 千篇一律. 满月后就会不一样了, 陪月aunty就回家了, 到时那将会是天翻地覆!!!
Looking at my scar, my gynae told me that it is 12cm long, but when I estimated the length myself, it is at least 15cm and is slightly curved, so could be even longer. Hu... At times the wound will send me some painful sensation, maybe I should ask my gynae did he left anything behind...Whole body aching especially the back due to bending for diaper change, carrying the babies to walk around too much.

The face is on the other sister hand.

I bite Jie Jie leg.

Difficult to get them pose nicely. Left one is Mei Mei.

Lovely gifts from Sweden. As I was thinking of getting some safe toys that will emit some soft noise when shaking, this is exactly what I need and it is in the form of rabbit character.