Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Cupcakes 21 July 2010

又做杯子蛋糕, 目的是要尝试制作奶油.





Look at the insoluable fat...

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Pictures 10

现在儿童玩意儿何其多. 我也想要一套, 但不希望它成为我的生日礼物, 哈哈!

大伯公的大寿, 小公主还弹了首生日歌.

这佳肴是在婚宴上的一道素食菜, 晓得是模仿哪一道荤菜吗?

好可爱的小茄子. 请原谅我的孤陋寡闻.

Diary Farm Nature Park 17 Jul 2010

今天大伯公chio小公主去公园, 因为他要骑单车, workout. 身为老妈子的我, 只好当跟班啦!

我与小公主再走多几步就看到一条小经. 在没地图, 没装备的情况下再次乱闯, 不过大约知晓路程不会很远.

果然, 只走了不到半公里, 因为处处积水(凌晨时份下全岛性大雨), 虫子非常活跃, 把小公主给吓得花容失色, 行程被夭斩了. 刚好我们也到了它的中心, 有个类似museum的建筑物.

Let you read some history on Bukit Timah Nature Reserve, I have not taken all the notes but I found these quite interesting.

屋外的虫子. 今天看到的虫子都是七彩斑斓的. 吓坏小公主的比这更好看.
Take note if you are a dog...
Finally the warrior is back to his starting point. It took him 35~40 minutes to complete the course.

Diary Farm Nature Reserve is connected to Bukit Timah Nature Reserve by this route. This path is just few steps away from the cycling path. There is only 1 cycling path connecting the whole Nature Reserve (Bukit Timah and Diary Farm), this is another entry point to the cycling track apart from my previous "venture".

连厠所外边都有漂亮的花卉陪衬, 真令人感觉happy.